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We implement storyboards, bring ideas to their cinematic life or create comprehensive concepts – whatever it is, we aim to find the perfect fit for each project.
All the while working side by side with clients, agencies and crew members. We strive to elevate each project every step of the timeline, from zero to postproduction, partially or comprehensively.

Our many years of experience as well as access to our talent network of producers, directors, creatives, script writers and format developers allow us to respond to each request dynamically. Film is at the core of all these projects – albeit we develop for other media as well.

Following, please find a selection of our collaborative works:

CampaIgN «Voll Das Leben» (since 2016)

by order of and in collaboration with Galaxus
25 subjects





Campaign «Community» (2017-2019)

by order of and in collaboration with digitec
more than 100 spots in German & French

Bank WIR
Image-CAMPAIN (2021)

By order of Bank WIR. The storylines and the filmic realization were developed collaboratively based on the base concept of the client and carried out by Plan B Film.

«Ja zum Filmgesetz» (2022)

in-house job
information film about the vote on a new film law

«No No Billag» (2019)

in collaboration with Endemol Shine
Information film about the No-Billag referendum

«Martin Zimmermann - Der Besucher» (2016)

By order of Martin Zimmermann for Fondation Beyeler. Filmic realization in collaboration with Martin Zimmermann, Sabine Geistlich und Eugenie Rebetz.

By using this website you accept our privacy policy. Our website uses cookies via third-party providers such as Google Analytics or Vimeo (Vimeo API). We do not use our own cookies, do not serve ads and do not show personalized content.

By using this website you accept our privacy policy. Our website uses cookies via third-party providers such as Google Analytics or Vimeo (Vimeo API). We do not use our own cookies, do not serve ads and do not show personalized content.

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